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Adaptation to Climate Changes in local communities of the Himalayas and the Andes



The HimalAndes Initiative, over 25 years has promoted information exchange on a diversity of significant and critical mountain issues, in the expectations of mutual contribution in confronting potential processes in conservation and enhancing beneficial alternatives in the areas of natural and cultural heritage.


Along these decades both regions have been conducting research, planning and implementations of strategies to confront the increasing impact of the climate change in high mountains and adjacent lowlands. Both regions are experimenting and implementing specific procedures to lessen the severe impacts on rural settlement as well as on their agriculture and herding practices.


In both regions the risking consequences has affected severely the sustainability for survival the rural populations as well as their natural resources, which in addition, may also have impacted their subsistence as well as in those community’s income resulting for marketing a diversity of products (agro- pastoral) and services (tourism, craft production, etc.).

This initiative expects the participation of locals with ancestral knowledgeable on dealing with how to confront the on-going situations as well as those experts in dealing with the impact of climate change. The information exchanged between the Himalayan and Andean experiences in developing strategies to overcome as much as possible on-going impacts.




The proposed e-conference between the locally identified participants from both regions will present strategies, plans and implementation of their experiences in dealing with the impacts as presented locally. We have considered this information exchanges will be organized through specific topics were participants will present their case experiences.



Specific areas of mutual interest:


A. Strategies for identifying controls of potential areas with major risk of avalanches


B. Managing herding activities and strategies to protect animals and assure access to pastures


C. Impact of climate change on farming activities (effect of climate conditions of traditional crops, for local consumption as well as those for markets, innovative crops, water in demand or in excess, etc.)


D. Strategies to protect from eventual floods houses, schools, health services, administrative facilities, and other relevant for local communities.

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